Studies carried out by researchers in the early age, reveals how alcohol is processed through Fermented grains, fruit juice and honey.
These elements, have been used to make alcohol for about 10,000 years and more.
There is evidence that humans drank alcohol in China as early as 7000 B.C., Babylonians worshiped a wine goddess around 2700 B.C. and Ancient Greek literature warned against excessive drinking.
People around the world consume many types of alcohol in various cultural settings.
Drinking on occasion with friends, relatives and co-workers can be enjoyable way to celebrate events and socialize, however, for too many people, this activity becomes excessive and reckless.
It’s probably no surprise, that medical practitioners in various research done, reveals that abusive use of alcohol can harm the brain, considering how much unimaginable stuff people tend to do when influenced by it.
Getting tipsy every once in awhile, probably won’t cause permanent damage, but alcoholism and bouts of binge drinking absolutely can.
Chronic consumption of alcohol tends to shrink the brain and disrupt the neurotransmitters that the brain uses to communicate.
Alcoholics also often experience a vitamin B1 deficiency, which can lead to the development of Korsakoff’s syndrome.
A syndrome responsible for severe brain damage that causes memory loss, confusion, unsteadiness, and intermittent loss of eyesight.
Of course, many Roman emperors and their consorts gained infamy for heavy drinking and other decadent behaviors but wouldn't totally consume the complete extinction in the consumption of it.
In Nigeria, there are few likely social effects of Chronic consumption of alcohol on families
Although, many people drink because they believe it will make them feel better about themselves, but the consequences of abusing it negatively impact on their personality.
Negative impact of alcohol abuse on couples shows that, significant others of alcoholics are often subjected to alcohol-related abuse, such as verbal, emotional and physical abuse.
Couples, may exhibit mutually violent behaviors toward each other during alcohol use.
Research indicates that marriages in which only one spouse drinks heavily end in divorce 50% of the time.
Some studies on Negative impact of alcohol abuse on children, are inconclusive, showing data that indicates anywhere between 12% and 70% of adults who abuse children are alcoholics.
Children of alcoholics often have deep-seated psychological and emotional problems due to many factors present when growing up with an addicted parent, such as; lack of rules at times and strict rules, inconsistency. Feeling like they are responsible for themselves
Dealing with heightened levels of stress, tension depression, guilt and feeling of hopelessness are significant challenges faced by these ones.
Children of substance abusers, are 3-4 times more likely than peers to become addicted to alcohol or other drugs.
Children of alcoholics, are at higher risk for developing an array of emotional problems including mistrust, guilt, shame, confusion, ambivalence, fear and insecurities.
Parental alcohol abuse can cause socialization problems for children.
For instance, they may avoid friendships because they are embarrassed or afraid to invite other children to their house.
The best available current evidence suggests that consumption of alcohol (chemically known as ethanol) does not improve health.
Previous assertions that low or moderate consumption of alcohol improved health have been deprecated by more careful and complete meta-analysis.
Heavy consumption of ethanol (alcohol abuse) can cause severe detrimental effects.
Health effects associated with alcohol intake in large quantities include an increase risk of alcoholism, malnutrition, chronic pancreatitis, alcohol liver disease and cancer.
In addition, damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can occur from chronic alcohol abuse.
Even light and moderate alcohol consumption increases risk for certain types of cancer.
Eery person is different; therefore, the effects of alcohol vary from person to person.
While, some people may be able to limit their drinking, others have a difficult time controlling their alcohol consumption.
In order to fully understand the consequences of drinking, you should first know what constitutes as a drink.
The effects of alcohol, can be influenced by a number of risk factors such as the amount consumed, individual’s medical history, tolerance to alcohol, as well as other drugs – legal or illegal – mixed with alcohol