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*EDOCSO MARCHES AGAIN:* What rightly belongs to us cannot be given to another without our knowledge and approval.


Edo state has never been privately owned and that will not change, not in this generation and the ones to come.

Government must be open, sincere, humane, accountable and transparent to the people on whose trust power was given.

Edo State Specialist Hospital was built with Edo people's money and should be accessed and afforded by Edo people. Government cannot surreptiously convert a public institution to a private entity without consultation and due process. If Edo people's taxes were good enough to build the specialist hospital, Edo people, however poor are good enough to use it. The purpose for putting a government in place is to provide security and welfare.

Our voices must be held in a democratic government otherwise, tyranny is birthed and must be resisted by all meaning Edo people. Government is not run as a secret cult where no one knows what happens therein.

We are FULLY READY to be beaten, to be killed and to be jailed, however, history and posterity works hand-in-hand with karma. We cannot keep quiet over that which is not to the interest of our people.

Edo state government should tell Edo people everything about our specialist hospital if there is sincerity of purpose. No amount of government suppression can stop a movement  of the people.

Join us in the  march to demand explanation from Edo state government on why we cannot access and afford the hospital built with our taxes as follows.

*Date:* Friday 1st November, 2019

*Meeting Point:* Museum Ground, King Square, Benin City, Edo state.

*Time:* 7:30am

Leftist Osazee Edigin
Public Relations Officer,
Edo Civil Society Organisations

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