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_Wow! it is the last day of 2019 and in a very special way we must show appreciation to God who has  been so good to us from the beginning to this day. He has kept us alive and has blessed us in so many ways and we must let our heart and lips praise and adore Him forever._

_*We all have a different story to tell about how the year went by. Sometimes it was good and sweet, sometimes it was difficult and painful, but in all things God was with us and He never abandoned us. He kept us by His grace and mercy and we are alive to see the end of this year and by His grace we shall enter into the new year with joy and continue in our pilgrim journey of faith.*_

_Saint John admonishes us in the first reading of today not to let down our guard even as the year ends so as not to fall victims to those whose aim is to lead others astray and make them not to  love Christ.(antichrists). Some persons in this life would want to lead us astray and make us to leave the way of God which leads to eternal life and follow the way of the world which leads to eternal damnation. We must never listen to them, instead we should remain steadfast and continue to follow Jesus and serve Him._

_*We must let Christ the Word of God dwell in our heart so that He will help us to live in the light and also to live as the light of the world. Jesus should continue to be the Lord and master of our life. We must go a step further in our determination to proclaim Christ in word and deed. We must continue to show the world through what we do, that He is the best that we could have at any point in time.*_

_As the year ends and we give God all the glory, we must look to the new year and the future with hope knowing that God will walk with us and He will help us. His light will guide our path and He will protect us and help us to live up to our responsibility as His disciples. Jesus is our Lord and saviour and we must love Him and let the world know about Him through us._

_*Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have peaceful day. May God accept our praise and thanksgiving and may He give us the grace to look to the new year with hope and determined will to succeed. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_

*Meditation:* 1 John 2:18-21/Psalm 96:1-2,11-13/John 1:1-18

*Watch-Word:* To all who receive Him, who believed in His name He gave power to become children of God.

_*Let your praise rise up to the heavens and glorify God for what He has done for you in 2019 and may more blessings come your way in 2020. Amen.*_

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