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COME, Let Us Reason Together



Few hours from now, 2020 will go into extinction, but the experiences it thrust upon us, good or bad ,will take some time to fade away .

Whatever it was to you and me, we owe it a duty to appreciate God and thank Him for considering us worthy to be alive to this hour— for it was not by our power or diligence But by His Grace.

With the deadly COVID-19 tearing through the world with the fury of a tornado , sending hundreds of thousands to untimely exit from life on earth, we really need to appreciate God to be counted among the living.

In that appreciation, God is Glorified while our hope and yearnings for a better and more prosperous 2021 are assured. consolidated and guaranteed.

My honest prayer. is that if there is anything we wished to achieve in 2020 but couldn’t materialize, the year 2021 will bring it to fruition. It will be for us all, a year of peace. excellent health, supernatural breakthroughs and 

renewed commitment to God’s work and service to humanity.

Open your arms as 2021 beckons

We shall all cross over in Jesus Name, Amen .

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