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By Chris Akhabue

It is  one hundred days since the administration of Festus Alenkhe and his EXCO were sworn in, after a rigorous and tension filled contest. 

 Already, journalists, stakeholders and interest groups are  taking stock of the period under review  to evaluate  and ventilate on how well  the   administration has fared. 

So far, the general consensus has been overwhelming. It has been applause and commendations galore.

The true worth of

FESTUS ALENKHE's  strength of character composition is undeniably and remarkably  valuable   like the rays of the sun that  can not be hidden but which, little by little, gradually, slow and steady,  but unstoppably coming on strong. His honesty, self respect, self control, self sacrifice, accountability, consideration for others are a very few of  some of the basic virtues ingrained in individuals with excellent strength of character as exemplified in the life and conduct of  Comrade FESTUS ALENKHE so far.

It is a fact known to all,even before the  campaigns started , that there are so many great qualities embedded in the life of  FESTUS ALENKHE Jp, which Edo NUJ need for the overall  renaissance of the Union, which his opponents fought futilely to play down. That, of course, is understandable from the standpoint of  politics. However, polithinking is over and so, we are all back to the reality of the  unobscurable  and unobliterable but persistently and resiliently glaring character formation of Festus Alenkhe from which the Edo Council of the NUJ has started  harvesting from.

This is so , because, he is a brand. His popularity earned over the years on the platter of hard work in his chosen career is carefully being deployed  to launch the Edo NUJ out, into the general public for greater partnership with  both the government and the organised private sector.  

As a result, what eyes have not seen nor ears heard before in  Edo NUJ are some of the wonderful and brilliant developments that are now   evolving at the Edo State Council of the NUJ  and this is presumably a tip of the iceberg, judging from the pragmatic and proactive body language of the Union leader.

Wisdom they say, is a virtue that is not common to all, but which  Alenkhe has in quantum. The Bible says wisdom is profitable to direct and so, Alenkhe has been able to use wisdom to attract so many laudable projects to the council even though the Union is not a revenue generating organization. 

One of the major problems of Nigeria is paucity of quality leadership  which is intricately dependent on leaders not having a clear picture of what is expected of them when they get to the seat of power  for which they use all manner of means to acquire.

But for Festus, it is a different ball game. From day one, even before the Campaigns started, Festus has a blue print of carefully laid out action plan of what he intends to achieve in office. Little wonder therefore he was able to hit the ground running immediately he was sworn in.

Minutes after his swearing in on the 17th day of December, the free internet facility  for journalists was  commissioned, just as he promised he would do in his campaign manifestoes.

Since then, it has been projects after projects.

To keep the Press Center safe from criminal activities, he promptly installed CCTV Cameras to monitor the entire premises so as to ensure security of the Union's  and practitioners belongings at the premises at all times.

He has put up a functional library to assist Journalists in their research works.

While the renovation of all  the toilets facilities was going on, the man Festus, in a hurry to give  more than he promised his colleagues, went ahead to negotiate with a new generation Bank to facilitate loan facilities for journalists. The Bank has since finished with the profiling of interested members and disbursement has since commenced.

Like a man thinking of legacies for his children, he is  always looking for ways to  add value to the worth of his professional colleagues. While the loan scheme with the Bank was going on, he promptly facilitated the enrollment of journalists into the Edo State health insurance scheme so that journalists can access health care when the need arises.

Like someone burning with an unquenchable desire to achieve in a hurry, he saw the need to properly rehabilitate our Muslim brothers who, hitherto were using the main entrance of the premises of the NUJ as their prayer house. He relocated and constructed an alternative  in a location devoid of distractions from vehicular and human traffic.

 If you want to be trusted, be honest. Festus has been able to build trust through his transparent honesty in his dealings with his EXCO and the Union members. 

But even at that, his distractors  and doubting Thomases, particularly some  supporters of his opponent, were unjustifiably criticising his works.

At one point, I had to encourage him to continue the good works he has started, not minding whose ox is gored.

If you are expecting the world to be fair with you simply because you are fair with them,  is like expecting a lion not to eat you just  because you don't eat lions. My friend, lions would always be lions.

 Festus  has  left non in doubt that he has come to redefine the scope of leadership and to set a template for successive leadership  at the Edo council of NUJ.

The rebranding and overhaul of the Edo State council of the NUJ as it were, is comprehensive, as it encompasses both physical and human capital refurbishment aimed at creating better and acceptable public perception of the hitherto dwindling image and foundering Union.

Before the election, I told some people who cared to listen, that the  task of rebuilding and rebranding the ruins of the image and structure of the NUJ was not a job for a hobo but for a competent "surgeon" who is unflinchingly resolute to get desired results and I think we are all on the same page that the Choice of Alenkhe was the ideal deal.

So far so good. He has not disappointed his colleagues and all those that clamored for his emergence ,rather, he  has proven that he is reliable and dependably trustworthy.

To properly reposition the Union and its practitioners in good light in the eyes of the public, he organised a classic dinner party with a dress code for journalists. The event which was held at the prestigious Uyi Grand international Event center drew the attention of the crem de la crem of the society. It was so auspicious and memorable that it has been gazetted as a new addition to the calendar of annual events of the NUJ Edo State council.

 Since coming on board as the chairman of the Union, prominent Edo personalities have paid courtesy visits to the Union  with promises to lend helping hands in building a strong and viral Union. One of such individuals is elder Omofuma, one of the Patrons of the Edo Council of the NUJ, the chairman of Glad Tidings ( GT) who has promised to erect an eatery at the premises of the NUJ Edo State council in no distant time.

Also expected to be added to the facilities at the premises soon, is an automated machine that would be sited at a designated location at the NUJ.

One of his campaign promises was to ensure that the Edo State government would facilitate the stepping down of electricity from the Osiomo power plant to the Edo Council of the NUJ and as expected, the governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki has approved this request and in no distant time, Journalists  would enjoy uninterrupted power supply at the Secretariat.

The era of misplaced priorities or the total lack of result oriented ideas  by leadership at the Edo State council of the NUJ is gone as Festus Alenkhe has demonstrated that he has all it takes to take the council to a greater glory.

The total overhaul of the Union is not only in the area of human capital rejuvenation but   also in infrastructure  as the NUJ building itself is receiving massive renovation at the moment. Two massive pillers have been erected not only to support the edifice but also to add aesthetics and glamour.

He has also  embarked on the recovery of all the landed properties in and  around the state and other very valuables that are being held in spurious and shoddy circumstances.

In order that non would be caught unawares, he has solicited the assistance of the Nigeria Immigration Services to procure International Passports for those who have non, and also to renew those whose has expired. This, he has done to pave the way and remove any encumbrances for as many that would be traveling for International seminars and workshops overseas, just as he promised, during the electioneering ,that he would facilitate international events and assignments that would benefit Journalists .

Let me at this point take personal responsibilities  for my inability to adequately document the achievements of Comrade Festus Alenkhe in this first Hundred days in office as so much has been done which,because of time and space, I will not be able to chronicle in one piece.

One major area of concern to those who were initially opposed to the emergence of Alenkhe as the Edo NUJ Chairman, apart from those who hitherto had taken the Edo NUJ as their personal farm or milk cow, was what they call his "unfriendly" disposition. 

Now, tell me, today who is as amiable as Alenkhe Festus in the whole of Edo Council of the NUJ?

Every where you see him, he is smiling and laughing and chatting with one person here and another there. He is carrying everyone along and I want to say, of a truth, that he is the real TEAM LEADER, the REAL DEAL.

To those who are still licking the wound of loosing their "farm" or "fat milk cow", remember, nothing lasts forever. The main contender in that epic battle has taken the outcome in good faith and I see him as a great individual who is now very much prepared to collaborate with  Festus and his team as one great family to move the Edo NUJ to a greater glory as we  mark  a milestone in the annals of our history as a union  in search of an enduring legacy of peace, love, unity,  growth and development for all.

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