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IGP has directed men of the international IP Crime to commence Investigation into a case of Cyber bullying


Nigeria  Inspector General of Police , lGP Usman Alkali Baba has directed men of the International IP Crime Investigators -National Cybercrime Central Bureau , Abuja to immediately commence investigation into a case of Cyberbullying , internet stalking , false information , Defamation and threat to life brought against one Canada based  Racheal Eboni Osazee Iyonmana by a legal firm in Benin city. 


The legal firm who acted for  Becky Igiebor reported that the Said Eboni has engaged in uncontrolled and continuous cyber stalking where she displayed different pictures of Becky Igiebor and her family members   on the Facebook and other social media platforms with demaging and   defamatory statements . 

The law firm described the act as an international crime that needs the immediate intervention and investigation  of the Nigeria Police at the Force Headquarters in Abuja. 

The Inspector General Of Police , IGP Usman Alkali Baba upon a receipt of the petition by the law firm ordered the National Cybercrime Central Bureau in Abuja , Nigeria to investigate and link up with the relevant police and other security authorities in Canada to investigate and bring the suspect  in the cyberstalking crime to justice. 

Consequently , the investigators have obtained statement and other relevant documents from the facebook, YouTube and other internet platforms  that will serve as evidence for further investigation and  prosecution. 

The police investigators have since commenced extensive investigation with a view to linking up with other investigators in Ottawa in Canada to arrest and bring the perpetuator of the international crime to justice. 

Report says ,as at press time , the said Racheal Eboni Osazee Iyonmana is not relenting as she keep on posting all sorts of unfounded and defamatory items on the internet. 

The police says , it will get to the root of the matter with a speedy investigation.

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