A true friend like you, my dear wife, is really difficult to come by these days. Thank you for being such a wonderful companion to me.
The reason every blessed day of mine is sunny is simply because of the love you give me.
Happy birthday, my love. You are and will always be my sunshine.
No amount of riches in this world can brighten my world like your presence in my life, my sweet love.
All I need in this life is you because you are the reason this heart of mine beats. Happy birthday.
Babe, in addition to the oceans of kisses that I’m sending you on your Big Day, I also want to tell you for the billionth time that my heart will always be your home because my love for you is everlasting. Happy birthday.
I know that I often don’t say this, but you are the most precious thing that exists in my life.
I love you with every beat of my heart, and I am so proud that you are my woman for life and I am your man for life.
I will love, cherish and support you for as long as I live. Happy birthday.
From the very first time that I set my eyes on you, I knew deep within my heart that you were the right life partner for me.
And how right I was! You constantly let my heart overflow with indescribable joy and happiness. Happy birthday.
All I want to do is hold you in my arms forever because my paradise is right in your loving arms. Happy birthday.