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LETS OUT EDO YOUTH BE PRO ACTIVE* (part 2)...........



*Comrd.  Queen O.  Azugbene Ekhator*


*The youth constitute  the backbone and future of * The progress and future developments of any nation depends to a large extent on its youth. This is why most nation has a concrete development programes  for their youth. *Youth development  is the ongoing growth process in which all youth are engaged in attempting to meet their Basic Personal and Social Needs to be Safe,  Feel Cared for,  Valued,  Useful and Spiritually Grounded to Build Skills and Competencies that allows them to Function and Contribute to their  Daily Lives*.

Youth  development is a Process and requires Support,  both *Motivational, Emotional  and Strategic  Creation of Opportunities and Provision of Services such as Education,  Health,  Employment and Information*, etc.

The place for Nigerian youth  can not be  overemphasized. *This was adequately captured in the Nigerian  youth policy*  which stated:

Youth are one of the greatest assets that any nation can have. Not only Legitimately Regarded as Future Leaders,  they are Potentially and Actually the Greatest Investment in a Country's Development. *They serve as a good measure of the extent to which a country can reproduce as well as sustain itself.*

 *The extent of their Vitality, Responsible Conduct, and Roles in Society is Positively Correlated with the Development  of Their Country*.

The person that falls within the age bracket of youth are defined  differently by different  institutions and nations. *The  United Nations Defines the Youth as those within the ages  of 15-24 years*. *The NYSC puts it age bracket  from 18-30 years*. *But the youth  policy defines the  youth  as all  age persons ages  18-35 years.*

It identified the problem of the youth in Nigeria to include *Inadequate Parental Care,  Non Availability of Suitable Sports and Recretional Facilities, Moral Decadence in the Society,  Lack of Appropriate Role Models,  Religious Fanatism,  Cult Activities, Political Manipulation of Youth Organizations,  Unemployment,  Poor Educate, Breakdown of Family Values, and Indiscipline*.

Unfortunately, in the last three decades, youth development has been neglected, Leading to  *Increase youyth Restiveness and Crime. The youth has become a Reserved Army of the Unemployed Used by Irresponsible Politicians and Religious Bigots to Perpetuate Violence  and Thuggery*.
Many of these young people have lost  confidence in the elders and institutions of government.

For Nigeria to progress,  there must be  a change among the youth to develop themselves  to become *Agent of Social Action and Change* Civil Society Organizations
(csos) ESPECIALLY FOCUSED ONES,  have a great role to play in the Youth Development.
 *It is against this backdrop that I Draw the Attention of oyur Youth to be PRO ACTIVE in making early discission in choosing their role in  NATION BUILDING as they are *not too young to rule*
*The Extent of their Vitality, Responsible Conduct,  and Roles in society is Positively Correlated with the Development of their  Country.*

*Anthony Ebahoro* of blessed memory, an ESAN MAN, single handedly moved the motion for independence and fought for it at his Youthful Age,  which the Northerners are enjoying more than any part of the country today.

In the time of the Saudana of  Sokoto Tafewa Balewa, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, to mention but a few,  they all served this country and left their names in Gold.They were between the Age Bracket of 28 to 45 years of age.
Unfortunately, these Heroes Worked and Worked until the became old and frail. Yet there were no followers to learn and take over from them: Then the military young forces took over from where they stopped. We are still having  the untold negative effect of the military reign on us today. Yet at this time and  age , we still have  Youths who want to Dance Away The Future. Tomorrow, the same group will be Apportioning Blame and Finding Fault on those who denied themselves Earthly Pleasure, to seek the way forward for Children Yet Unborn.

The Bible says the Ernest Expectation of Man is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. When will you Manifest?  Is it when you are old and frail? The night Commeth when no man can work.

The Core Niger Delta State were busy dancing MERRIT SHOW COUNT DOWN. As they began to Celebrate  and Dance FIA-FIA, FIA - FIA TAMUNOR  blindly on Top of Their NATURAL RESOURCES (CRUDE OIL),  The white Man came and carted their Natural Resources Away,  which  is affecting the whole Niger delta state today.

My dear Youths,  am not saying you should not Dance, flex, as all work without play makes Gill Dull.  But do it with your Eyes and Ears Opened to know  and be PART of what is happening in your Environment.

Remember # *Not too young to rule*#

*Comrd.  QUEEN O.  AZUGBENE EKHATOR  is a Political Analyst*

*PRESIDENT,  ESAN WOMEN PATRIOT.......,/ Member OSM Writing from Igueben LGA*

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