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Global Ministers' classroom timely,will give more insights to Ministers, -Pastor Susan


By Tricia Michaels

Senior Pastor, Harmony City Assembly,Abuja Pastor Susan Ibrahim- Arasah says that the Global Ministers' Classroom (GMC)with Pastor Chris ,a specialized program for Ministers around the world will give Ministers  greater insights into their walk in the Ministry , imparting them for greater works and  equip them with more knowledge for these last days

The much anticipated " Global classroom"  which is organised under the auspices of the International School of Ministry, for Prayer, Fellowship, 

Strategy and the Word for ministers of the Gospel around the world will r hold from Friday,2nd of June to Saturday 3rd of June .

The 24 hours classroom of fellowship and Networking with millions of Ministers' is a transformational event that will give an opportunity to Ministers , church leaders,,ministry staff and all categories of church workers to learn,interact and have their questions answered during a live broadcast.

Arasah said that this year's GMC will be the 5th edition of the Annual Global event and this year promises to be packaged with trainings for life and Ministry, impartation of Graces, and blessings, revelatory teachings and strategic insight for the end time harvest

She said, " The Global Minister’s Classroom with Pastor Chris was birthed out of the desire of the man of God, to have a platform to teach Ministers from all over the world. 

"Over the years, the 

numbers of participating Ministers have progressively increased; from 8 million in 2018 to 78million in 2022, today, the GMC has become one of the tools that has helped millions of 

ministers of the Gospel around the world to become effective in their work and walk in ministry; 

and to fulfill God’s calling upon their lives. 

"Indeed, in these unprecedented times being experienced around the world, the Global Ministers’ 

Classroom would strengthen ministers to fulfil their role in evangelization and making disciples of the nations.

"This year’s special program is scheduled to commence on *Friday, 2nd of June by 2pm GMT+1 and would culminate on Saturday, 3rd of June* with a special plenary session with our man of God, Pastor Chris! 

"The session with the man of God, Pastor Chris will be an interactive one, there will also be teaching 

from several seasoned ISM Lecturers and Senior Ministers, testimony segments of the impact of 

the ISM, Question and Answer segment, where participants will have the opportunity to have their 

questions answered by the man of God in real time during the live broadcast.

You can join this transformational event B

by first registering for the program using this link @ right now.

Pastor Cornelius George Elamah

Lead/Senior Pastor, Jubilee Christian Center.enjoined ministers to come with an expectation and pray concerning such expectations. 

He said that ministers are encouraged to join in an on-going 

daily prayer program @ while preparing for the excercise

"You can also signup to host a virtual classroom @

Next,share your unique link and invite other Ministers of the Gospel to register and participate with you in your classroom.

He added that Ministers and every church  leader should not miss out of this awesome classroom, prepare articipate  and join on the day of the program using this link@ www.ismglobalminister

"Everyone is invited to take advantage of this life changing opportunity"he said.

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